Recovery Coaching
A Recovery Coach helps you create a safe space in which you can work towards gaining and/or maintaining good mental health. A Recovery Coach will work with you drawing upon their lived and/or learnt mental health experience.
What do we do for you as a Recovery Coach?
We will be there to help you plan your recovery journey. There will be difficult conversations, we will work with you to identify the things that make up your well being and outline how you would like to do your mental health recovery. This may involve having those conversations with trusted people you are already connected with and who are active helpers in your life.
We may also work with you to establish new connections to helpful people whom you can bring along into your recovery journey.
Our Recovery Coaching aims to foster an environment where re-imagining of good mental health can happen.
Generally, Recovery Coaching budget, like the Support Coordination budget, will decrease in each new plan. However, we know that as recovery progresses, as you gain even more understanding about your mental health, and as you learn more skills in navigating recovery, the journey may take a different shape – when that happens, it is important that you continue to work with your support network to advocate for a solid capacity building budget. It is important to capture the nature of your recovery through report writing and that the NDIA receives an updated and newly identified individualised recovery plan and NDIS goals.
How is Recovery Coaching billed?
Just like Support Coordination, the funding for Recovery Coaching is also ideally to be utilised over the span of your NDIS plan, to ensure that you are not without support; alternatively, the funding for Recovery Coaching can also be utilised at an intensive pacing with the purpose of managing immediate crisis or needs.
We will discuss with you the frequency and the duration of the Recovery Coaching and come into an initial service agreement based on what your NDIS plan allows and what we discussed during intake. As we collaboratively monitor your budget throughout the span of coaching, we can periodically make changes to the frequency and the duration.
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