Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation
Getting out and about
Your outreach worker will provide transport and social support as requested. This may include driving you to the shops, the gym, or appointments, and coming inside to offer social support as requested. This service can also be used just to get out of the house to get a coffee and chat or people watch.
What do we do for you with Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation?
We are much more than a drop off and pick up driver. From time to time, you may need help with attending medical appointments. We can assist you to put in place strategies to make sure you get from A to B in a timely and safe manner. When you are feeling overwhelmed and are running behind for example, you may need extra support to reschedule your appointment. We can also assist you with pre-emptive support, such as putting together an online or physical diary, reminder phone calls days or hours before, and then help you get ready during the actual day, as well as be your extra pair of ears during the consultation time with your health professional.
Other transportation services are inclusive of:
Hairdresser / barber appointments.
Getting to and from the hospital.
Getting to and from the chemist, or even picking up your medication - we can help you make those arrangements with your treating doctor and preferred chemist.
Family visits.
How is Assistance with Social and Community Participation billed?
Just like Life Transition Planning, Mentoring and Individual Skills Development, Assistance with Social and Community Participation is also billed at an hourly rate in 15 minute increments and 2 hours minimum, with an additional 15 minutes per session (non face to face) to allow the writing of session notes and any additional work needed to be done outside of the session. Travel time getting to and from the place of session is billed at a maximum of half an hour each way, with the kilometres billed for that travel and any travel during the session
You also may be interested in these services
- Recovery Coaching
- Life Transition Planning, Mentoring and Individual Skills Development
- Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation
- Assistance with Accommodation and Tenancy Obligations